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Sabtu, 13 September 2008

Poem For Merlion

A poem for the Merlion, that has became Singapore’s Guardian

And dedicated to Maurice Baker


I have sailed many waters,

Skirted islands of fire,

Contended with Circe,

Who loved the squeal of pigs;

Passed Scylla and Charybdis

To seven years with Calypso.

Heaved in battle against the gods.

Beneath it all

I kept faith with lthaca, travelled,

Travelled and travelled,

Suffering much, enjoying a little;

Met strange people singing

New myths; made myths myself.

But this lion of the sea

Salt-maned, scaly, wondrous of tail,

Touched with power, insistent

On this brief promontory…


Nothing, nothing in my days

Foreshadowed this

Half-beast, half-fish,

This powerful creature of land and sea.

Peoples settled here,

Brought to this island

The bounty of these seas.

Built towers topless as llium’s.

They make, they serve

They buy, they sell.

Despite unequal ways,

Together they mutate.

Explore the edges of harmony,

Searched for a centre;

Have changed their gods;

Kept some memory of their past

In prayer, laughter, the way

Their women dress and greet,

They hold the bright, the beautiful,

Good ancestral dreams

Within new visions,

So shining, urgent,

Full of what is new.

Perhaps having dealt in things,

Surfeited on them.

Their spirit yearn again for images,

Adding to the dragon, phoenix,

Garuda, naga, those horses of the sun

This lion of the sea.

This image of themselves.


My First Poem

Friendster Glitter Graphics

There is a poem for you all, that can make you remeber Allah SWT forever :


In long journey of my life
I remember You
In the each of my breath
I say Your words

Only Your words
That all people of the world say
Only You Allah
That can make this world to be shiner

Only You
Only You

In this world
Only Your holy Al-Qur'an that all people spell
In this world
Only You that I love

Because only You
Only You
The Lord of God in this world

by : Kevin Kane W

Siapa Dia

Kuraih pena di meja
Kutulis namamu
Hanya namamu yang bisa kutulis
Karena aku sangat mencintaimu
Tapi mengapa
Ku melihatmu bersama yang lain
Aku marah
Karena aku semburu
Tapi aku tidak mau kau tahu
Karena aku tidak mau melukaimu
Aku hanya ingin tanya
Siapa dia yang bersamamu
Dia telah membuatku tidak bias tidur
Karena penasaran

Sahabat Sejati

Terima kasih atasmu
Karena kaulah yang menemaniku
Untuk menemui kekasihku
Terik matahari tak kau pandang
Hujan turun tak kau hiraukan
Hingga keringatmu bercucuran
Juga tak kau hiraukan
Sahabat, engkaulah sahabat sejatiku
Bersedia menemaniku setiap saat
Dan kau rela tidur di pinggir jalan
Demi temanmu ini
Maafkanlah temanmu ini
Karena aku kau tidur di pinggir jalan
Tanpa alas dan tanpa selimut
Namun aku tak tahu harus bagaimana membalasmu
Sekali lagi terima kasih sahabatku


Binar matamu membuatku tak bisa terlelap
Setiap hari aku memikirkanmu
Senyummu membuatku semakin tak karuan
Cinta kah aku padamu
Wahai teman baruku
Sejak kehadiranmu
Aku jadi berubah
Aku tak lagi bergaul
Aku tak lagi selera makan
Setiap hari yang kumau hanya melihatmu
Dekat dengan mu
Tapi aku takut
Apa yang ada di hatiku bertepuk sebelah tangan
Hanya melihatmu dari kejauhan